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ROOT/PROOF instructions

For the ROOT/PROOF tutorial, you can either install ROOT to your laptop (under linux) *or* connect from your laptop to one of the virtual machines provided by the organizers. If you have only a windows machine, you need to have an SSH client and a X windows server installed. If you decide to install ROOT to your laptop, choose version 5.26/00. Instructions: 1) Download Please download ROOT 5.26/00 from http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/production-version-526 You can choose between several precompiled versions for different platforms and flavors of linux or the source code. After download extract the archive. 2) Setting up the enviroment Please export the environment variable ROOTSYS to the directory to which you have extracted the files sh family: export ROOTSYS= csh family setenv ROOTSYS Add /bin to PATH and /lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH: sh family: export PATH=/bin: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib: export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib: (MacOS X only) csh family: setenv PATH /bin: setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /lib: setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /lib: (MacOS X only) 3) Compile ROOT If you have chosen the precompiled version, please continue to read at "Test ROOT" Execute: cd ./configure make 4) Test ROOT Type "root" to start. You should get a welcome screen that says version 5.26/00 and the ROOT prompt. You can quit with ".q". If you like to get familiar with the system, try some of the tutorials: http://root.cern.ch/root/Tutorials.html More information about the installation can be found at http://root.cern.ch/root/Install.html